Hey there, I’m Sarah! I’m a born and raised Hoosier who’s been living as a Brooklyn transplant for the last 6 years. I came to Brooklyn chasing my dream of becoming a Design Professor, and completed my MFA in Communications Design from the Pratt Institute in 2019. Since then I’ve hopped around here and there; working in the fashion industry in Manhattan, in-house advertising, femme tech, and now home goods at Brooklinen, where I focus on print and packaging design.
I love making great work for human beings at the sweet spot of playful aesthetic and intentional creativity. I’ve been described as “really enthusiastic for an introvert”, and someone who thinks a lot of things are funny.
When I’m not designing I’m usually changing my hair color, listening to podcasts, playing with disposable film cameras, binging Brooklyn 99 (again), or on my quest to find the best Everything Bagel in the city.
I'd love to work with you. Shoot me a message at sarcollicott@gmail.com and we can talk about design, what you had for breakfast, or the latest Marvel movie.